PIA Kingdom Citizens
The Apostolic Church International, U.S.A. Area
Peniel International Assembly
Year 2023 Programs
(Subject to change in Event Calendar from Ghana Headquarters, US Area administration, and Delaware District)
Motto for the Year:
“If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed; And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” (John 8:31b -32 KJV)
Date Event January 9 th – 29th 21 Days of fasting and prayers at
All Locals 20th Food Drive from 9am – 11am
January 9th - 29th 21 Days of fasting and prayers at All Locals\
January 20th Food Drive from 9:am-11am
February 3rd -4th Area Movements Leadership Training Retreat
(Men, Women, Witness, APOSA, Children’s) in Delaware
February 5th Delaware District Presbytery Meeting
February 9th District Men’s program on Zoom
February 11th Relationship Seminar-PIA Women’s Ministry
February 11th PIA Presbytery meeting @ 2pm
February 17th Food Drive from 9am to 11am
February18th Bowling-PIA Men’s Ministry
February 25th District Women Program @ Philly, 6:30-8:30pm
February 28th-March 3rd End of Month Prayers and Fasting
March 4th Children and Family Movie Night @ 6pm
March11th District Men’s program-In Person
March12th District Presbytery meeting
March18th Funeral for Ofori-Atta @ DE Central
March13th – 19th Youth Week @locals
March17th Food Drive from 9am to 11am
March 25th Training for Officers 12pm-2pm
March 27th -31st End of Month Prayers and Fasting
March 31st Extended Night 7pm to 10pm
April 7th -9th 30th Anniversary and Easter Convention at Hilton Baltimore, MD
April13th District Men’s Program- Hosted by Philly
April 15th PIA Presbytery Meeting @ 1pm
April 22nd Food Drive from 11am to 1pm
April 24th - 28th End of Month Prayers and Fasting
May 5th - 6th Face to Face Meeting/Training - Area level
May 6th - 7th PIA one Year Anniversary/ Heritage Day
May 8th – 14th Women’s Ministry Week at All Locals
May 13th PIA Presbytery Meeting @ 1pm
May 14th District Presbytery Meeting
May 19th Food Drive from 9am to 11am
May 19th - 20th District Youth Program
May 29th - June 2nd End of Month Prayers and Fasting
June 10th PIA Presbytery Meeting
June 11th Baby Dedication (Ernest and Shynesha) &District Presbytery meeting
June 16th Food Drive from 9am to 11am
June 12th -18th Men’s Ministry Week at All Local
June 18th - 19th PIA Heritage Day
June 22nd Children Ministry Summer Outing
June 23rd – 25th Youth and APOSA Global Conference @ Area Level
June 26th - 30th End of Month Prayers and Fasting
July 2nd Graduation ceremony @ Local Levels
July 8th PIA Presbytery Meeting
July 4th - 9th PIA Heritage Week
July 8th District Youth Volunteer Day
July 9th District Presbytery Meeting
July 10th -30th National Mid-Year Fasting and Prayers
July 20th PIA Children’s Ministry trip to Sight & Sound
July 21st Food Drive-9am to 11am
July 22nd Training for Officers
July 28th Extended Night 7pm-10pm
August 5th District Youth Concert
August 17th -13th Area Women’s Ministry Virtual Convention
August 18th Food Drive from 9am to 11am
August 19th PIA Presbytery Meeting
August 27th Children’s Ministry Back to School Service-10an-12noon
August 27th Pastor’s Appreciation
August 28th - September 1st End of month Prayers and Fasting
September 1st – 3rd Men’s Virtual Huddle Conference
September 6th – 8th Revival-PIA Children’s Ministry
September 9th PIA presbytery Meeting @ 1pm
September 10th District Presbytery Meeting
September 14th District Men’s Program-In Person
September 15th Food Drive 9am to 11am
September 16th Training for Officers
September 22nd – 24th District Women Annual Retreat-Local Level
September 24th - 29th End of Month Prayer and Fasting
October 7th Food Drive/Children Ministry Urbania Outing
October 6th - 7th Face-to-face Pastor’s, Pastor’s wives and Presbytery meeting
October 8th District Presbytery Meeting
October 14th District Women’s program-PIA 6:30pm to 8:30pm
October15th Superintendent’s Appreciation @ Locals
October 20th Food Drive 9am to 11am
October 27th Extended Night
October 30 - November 3rd End of Month Prayer and Fasting
November 6th – 12th Family/Children’s Week @ local levels
November 11th PIA Presbytery Meeting @ 1pm
November 12th District Presbytery Meeting
November 16th – 18th Retreat-PIA Men’s Ministry
November 17th Food Drive from 9am to 11am
November 27th - December 1st End of Month Prayer and Fasting
December 4th – 10th Spiritual Warfare Convention @ local levels
December 9th PIA Presbytery meeting @1pm
December 10th District Presbytery Meeting
December 15th Food Drive from 9am to 11am
December15th – 25th Christmas Convention
December 23rd Carols Night
December 31st Watch Night/ End of Year Service at all Locals
Note: 1. Deborah Hour: Every first Monday of the month
2. Area Men’s meeting: Every first Thursday of the month